moving to Dubai desert cityscape

Emigrating to Dubai: A guide to moving to the desert metropolis

Dubai, the glittering metropolis in the desert, attracts numerous expats every year. With its impressive skyscrapers, luxury shopping and a tax-friendly environment, Dubai offers a variety of opportunities for a new life. But before you take the step to move to this fascinating city, there are many aspects to consider. This guide offers you a comprehensive overview of the most important issues to consider when moving to Dubai.

Key findings

  • Dubai offers significant tax advantages and a tax-friendly environment.
  • The city impresses with its impressive architecture and luxurious lifestyle.
  • Moving to Dubai requires thorough preparation, especially with regard to visas and residence permits.
  • The cost of living in Dubai can be high, so good financial planning is essential.
  • Dubai offers numerous leisure and cultural activities that enrich life in the city.

Visa and residence permit

To be able to live and work in Dubai, expats need a valid visa and a residence permit . The application for a visa is usually made by the employer or by one's own company if one is an entrepreneur. There are different types of visas, including work visas, investor visas and family visas. The residence permit is linked to the visa and must be renewed regularly.

Accommodation options in Dubai

Popular residential areas

Dubai offers a variety of residential areas that vary according to lifestyle and budget. The most popular residential areas include Downtown, Dubai Marina, Emirate Hills, Business Bay and Palm Jumeirah. These areas offer luxurious apartments and villas as well as excellent infrastructure.

Costs for rent and purchase

Rental and purchase prices in Dubai can vary greatly. Here is an overview of the average costs:

Residential area Average rent (per month) Average purchase price (per m²)
Downtown 10,000 AED 20,000 AED
Dubai Marina 8,000 AED 18,000 AED
Emirates Hills 15,000 AED 25,000 AED
Business Bay 9,000 AED 19,000 AED
Palm Jumeirah 12,000 AED 22,000 AED

Tips for finding accommodation

  1. Start your search with a temporary stay, e.g. in an Airbnb, to get to know the area.
  2. Use local real estate agencies that can help you find a suitable apartment.
  3. Please note that apartment hunting in Dubai is often done at short notice. It is common to view several apartments and make a decision quickly.
Good planning and research in advance can help you avoid financial surprises and find the right neighborhood to live in.

If you are planning to set up a free zone in Dubai , you should also consider the proximity to your workplace to avoid long commute times.

Dubai offers numerous business ideas and opportunities that make life in the city even more attractive.

Working in Dubai

Dubai offers a wide range of job opportunities in various sectors such as construction, finance, tourism and technology. Specialists with international experience are particularly in demand. Anyone who wants to work in Dubai should find out about the requirements and the application process early on. An important step is to apply for a residence visa , which is a prerequisite for starting work.

The high proportion of foreigners suggests that the job market in Dubai has a lot to offer. Although it is officially stated that employees from the UAE are preferred, their chances on the job market are still good. In particular, skilled workers and academics such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, engineers, IT specialists and managers have good chances.

A working week in Dubai is 5 days or 48 hours. The lunch break is usually between 2 and 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday are the official weekend in Dubai.

Overall, salaries are lower in AED than in Germany, even though employees in Dubai only pay 5% social security contributions – regardless of how much money they earn.

position Average Salary (AED)
engineer 20,000
IT-specialist 18,000
Manager 25,000
Nurse 15,000
In addition to investing or starting a company in Dubai, employment is a promising way to gain a foothold in Dubai. Specialists are increasingly sought after, particularly in the scientific field. There are also vacancies in IT, marketing, tourism and finance.

Living in Dubai

Dubai – a city of superlatives. Everything seems possible in Dubai.

Culture and leisure activities

Dubai offers a wide range of leisure activities . From luxurious shopping centers to first-class restaurants and cultural events - there is something for everyone here. The city is a melting pot of cultures, which is reflected in the numerous festivals and events.

Education and Schools

The education system in Dubai is diverse and offers numerous international schools that teach according to different curricula. It is especially important for expats to find out about school options early on in order to make the best choice for their children. Moving to Dubai with the family requires good planning, especially in terms of education.

Healthcare and health insurance

Dubai has a highly modern healthcare system. There are numerous hospitals and clinics that offer medical care of the highest standard. Health insurance is mandatory and should be taken out before moving to ensure you are covered in the event of an emergency.

Moving to Dubai can not only offer financial freedom, but also a new quality of life. Take advantage of the tax benefits and enjoy life in one of the most exciting metropolises in the world.

Finance and taxes

Bank accounts and money transfer

Opening a bank account in Dubai is relatively straightforward. Most banks offer special accounts for expats. It is advisable to research the different offers in advance and have the necessary documents ready. There are numerous options for international money transfers, including traditional banks and specialised transfer services.

Tax benefits and obligations

Dubai is known for its tax advantages. There is no income tax, which is a big draw for many expats. However, other taxes, such as Value Added Tax (VAT), may apply. It is important to be aware of specific tax obligations, especially if you are planning to start a business or purchase property.

Tax type Taxation in Dubai
Income tax No
VAT 5%
Corporate tax Varies by industry

Cost of living

The cost of living in Dubai can vary greatly depending on your lifestyle. Rents and property prices are higher in popular areas such as Dubai Marina or Downtown Dubai. A cost calculator can be helpful to better estimate monthly expenses. Typical expenses include:

  • Rent
  • Additional costs (electricity, water, internet)
  • Groceries
  • transport
  • free time activities
The cost of living in Dubai is high compared to many other cities, but the tax benefits and high salary levels can often make up for this.

Integration and community

community integration in Dubai

Linguistic and cultural adaptation

Linguistically and culturally adapting in Dubai can be challenging, but the city offers numerous resources to help ease this transition. English is widely spoken, which makes communication much easier, but it is also helpful to learn some basic Arabic to help you integrate better.

Networks and expat communities

Dubai's vibrant expat community makes it easy to quickly feel at home and build a supportive network. There are numerous clubs and organizations that organize regular meetings and events to support new arrivals.

Legal and social support

Dubai offers various forms of legal and social support for expats. There are special advice centers and hotlines that can help with legal questions and social problems. There are also many embassies and consulates on site that offer additional support.

Integration and community are key to successfully setting up a company in Dubai. Our comprehensive consulting services and networking opportunities will help you establish yourself in the UAE business world. Visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals.


Dubai, the glittering metropolis in the desert, offers a variety of opportunities for expats looking to start a new life. With its impressive skyscrapers, luxury shopping and tax-friendly environment, the city attracts large numbers of people every year. Moving to Dubai can offer significant benefits such as tax benefits, world-class healthcare and attractive business opportunities. But it is important to prepare well and follow all the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition. With proper planning and preparation, Dubai can be not only a place for professional and financial opportunities, but also a city that impresses with its impressive architecture and luxurious lifestyle. Those who decide to move to Dubai should be aware of the challenges, but also not ignore the numerous advantages and opportunities that this fascinating city offers.

frequently asked Questions

What types of visas are there for Dubai?

There are different types of visas available in Dubai, including tourist visas, work visas, investor visas and residency visas. Each visa has specific requirements and validity periods.

How long does it take to get a visa for Dubai?

The visa issuance process can take anywhere from a few days to several months, depending on the type of visa and individual circumstances. It is advisable to submit the application early.

What is the cost of living in Dubai?

The cost of living in Dubai can be high, especially for rent and international schools. However, there are tax benefits that can offset the costs.

How do I find an apartment in Dubai?

There are various platforms and real estate agencies that can help you find an apartment in Dubai. It is advisable to look around locally and compare different offers.

What is the healthcare system like in Dubai?

Dubai has a modern healthcare system with numerous hospitals and clinics. Health insurance is mandatory and offers comprehensive protection.

What tax advantages does Dubai offer?

Dubai is known for its tax-friendly policies. There is no income tax for individuals, which makes it particularly attractive for expats.

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